US - California, Nevada, Utah, Colorado, New Mexico, Arizona, Nevda(again), back to California

To test the bike for any malfunctions and weak spots as well as to get an idea how long the tire last, I decided to take my motorcycle trip to other states just see things that come up in my mind like Yosemite National Park, Yellow Stone, etc.

Yosemite National Park, CA - amazing rock mountains

Lake Tahoe, CA

Arches National Park, Moab, UT - really cool natural made arches

Garden of Gods, Colorado Springs, CO

Sunset while riding on Interstate 25 in New Mexico - I had a great feeling that this trip is going to be a great one!!!

Santa Fe, NM

Grand Canyon, NV
I was too lazy to change from my riding gear to trekking outfit... it took me less than 2 hours to hike down to Plateau Point and about 3 litres of water and 4 hours to hike back up. It was the first time I hated my riding boots!! But I made it back to the top!

Another Japanese rider, Yudai, I found on the road... he appeared at a gas station in Page, NV while I was resting. He was doing his trip from British Columbia almost or all 48 continental states and back to BC on his KLR650. What a coincidence to find a Japanese rider in middle of nowhere... we met again in Las Vegas, NV


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